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5 Ways You Might Be Storing Batteries Wrong

5 Ways You Might Be Storing Batteries Wrong

Putting your drone’s battery into storage may seem like a no-brainer — chuck it on a shelf, let it gather dust for a few months, then pull it out when you’re ready to go, right?
Many people fail to realize that how and where you store your battery is incredibly important. Being mindful of this fact can mean the difference between returning to find a device that’s immediately ready to fly and returning to find a battery that is no longer operable.
Whether you’re heading out on vacation for a few months or tucking away an extra battery for a rainy day, here are a few things you might want to avoid.

Leaving batteries uncharged

That’s right — even when they’re not in use, batteries must be recharged occasionally. If the battery sits at a low percentage for too long, its cells may become damaged, leaving you with a battery that can’t be revived come time to fly. To save yourself the headache, charge your battery up to 100% once per month. Set a monthly reminder if you’re worried you might forget!

Storing batteries in the garage

While the garage might be the first place that comes to mind when you think of “cool and dry” storage conditions, the reality is that your garage probably isn’t as well insulated as your home might be. That leaves your battery at risk of getting really hot in the summer and really cold in the winter. Try keeping your battery in a bedroom closet or hallway closet — anyplace that might have a consistent temperature year-round.

Storing batteries on the top shelf

Heat rises, which means the higher the shelf, the greater the likelihood of your battery overheating should conditions get too humid. Try leaving your battery on the bottom shelf, where it should be the coolest.
Storing batteries in a lockbox or near metal objects
Leaving lithium polymer batteries next to anything metal can be a serious fire hazard. To avoid accidental contact with bicycles or belt buckles while protecting against other hazards like sharp objects or direct sunlight, consider storing your batteries in a protective container, such as the EVO II Shoulder Bag or EVO II Rugged Bundle Case.

Forgetting about Sleep Mode

If you’ve taken all the necessary precautions but your battery still isn’t turning on when you pull it out of storage, don’t worry! The EVO II’s battery is designed to enter a sleep mode that shuts off all its intelligent functions to prevent it from losing power once it reaches a critical low. To reactivate the battery, simply plug it into the charger and wait for it to boot up.

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